PyCASSO is a value-added catalogue of stellar population properties for CALIFA galaxies. The spectra were analysed using STARLIGHT. The SSP bases used were Granada (GMe) and Charlot & Bruzual 2007 (CBe). In cubes and tables, the suffix "gsd6e" refers to the base GMe, while the suffix "zca6e" refers to the base CBe. This work used data from the CALIFA Survey DR3.
The catalogue provides maps for the stellar mass surface density, mean stellar ages and metallicities, stellar dust attenuation, star formation rates, and kinematics. For a full description of the contents of the maps, as well as examples of usage, download the article.
We also provide the synthesis results of the integrated spectra of the galaxies. These are available as FITS tables, separated as main and extended sample.
The maps are available as individual FITS files or as gzipped tarballs.